
10 Ago 2021

Amendments to the Competition framework during the Troika times in Portugal. A soft tool for enhancing enforcement a decade before ECN+

Margarida Rosado da Fonseca
Amendments to the Competition framework during the Troika times in Portugal. A soft tool for enhancing enforcement a decade before ECN
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Contributo de Margarida Rosado da Fonseca sobre “Amendments to the Competition framework during the Troika times in Portugal. A soft tool for enhancing enforcement a decade before ECN+”, publicado na 2ª edição do livro “International cooperation of competition authorities in Europe: From bilateral agreements to transgovernamental networks”, editado pelo Doutor Mateusz Bachucki, Professor Associado no Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (ILS PAS) e que foi publicado pela Publishing House da mesma instituição.