We advise, among others, on the structuring, negotiation and implementation of various types of domestic and international transactions, including acquisitions and divestments in strategic sectors (with a particular focus on infrastructure), secondary buy-outs, build-ups, turnarounds, bank debt refinancings, recapitalisations, LBOs, MBOs, MBIs and other types of secondary acquisitions and divestments, including IPOs and trade-sales, including in the context of competitive on- and off-market sales processes.
Our Private Equity team is made up of lawyers of recognised standing in the areas of Mergers and Acquisitions, Private Equity, Capital Markets, Banking and Finance, and Real Estate. In this way, we achieve a perfect balance between the most appropriate transaction structure and the nature of the investment object, as well as the use of complex financial structures, always with the support of the Competition, Tax and Labour practice areas, allowing us to offer our clients comprehensive and tailored solutions.
Chambers & Partners : "Key Portuguese asset managers on the structuring of new private equity funds".
We are strongly committed to providing ethically demanding and responsible services, contributing positively to the creation of long-term value towards a sustainable economy and a balanced society.